D'Arcy Carden

D'Arcy Carden hits it out of the ball park with her performance as the fiery Rockford Peaches player Greta Gill in the continuation of the 90’s hit “A League of Their Own” streaming now on Amazon Prime. It’s fun, heartwarming, inspiring while tackling queer storylines and racism in an evolving world. We had a blast with D’Arcy at Cure Thrift shop in NYC, where she picked some of her favorite vintage gems for our shoot. Scroll down for the photo diary and our wonderful interview on being in love with her costars (Abbi Jacobson Roberta Colindrez, Chanté Adams to name a few), skincare tips, road trippin, and her bare essentials. Ms. Carden you are the bomb.
The Bare Magazine: Can you share some ways in which 2022 A League of Their Own progresses and evolves?
D’Arcy Carden: I love the movie so much. When I saw A League of Their Own, back in 1992 my brain exploded. It was so exciting! All those girls on one screen, playing baseball? They were so funny and dirty and gorgeous and grimy - I loved them all. I had never seen anything like that before. I am so grateful for that movie. Now, 30 years later, and with 8 hours instead of 2, we are able to see more of what was actually going on back then. Not just the stories we've heard before. We get to see the stories of the black women that were playing baseball but weren't even allowed to try out for the AAGBL. We get to see the stories of the queer women who were playing baseball and how they found each other. We get to see these women as they discover their teams and themselves. It's thrilling and it's an honor to get to be a part of telling these stories.
Bare: What did you love the most about being a part of this project?
DC: The girls. The cast. We were a real team from the beginning. It started with the fact that we were literally playing baseball together as a team, and then every step of the way we bonded harder and harder as a team. Also, that I got to do this with Abbi, one of my best friends. How lucky is that? Truly. It's unreal. We are very aware of how special this is & how rare it is. We met doing comedy in a dirty little basement theater in NY 15 years ago, and now we get to be in a tv show based on one of our favorite movies from our childhood? We give each other this look all the time, it's the "can you believe this is happening" look.
Bare: What do you think the audience’s favorite parts will be?
DC: I think the audience will love each individual character. They are all specific and unique. I feel like by the end of the show, you know each character so well, and you are really rooting for each person. You will probably have a favorite... hopefully you will have many favorites. Also the baseball scenes, especially in the last few episodes, are so exciting and SO FUN.
Bare: Describe how the chemistry between you and your cast mates was so special?
DC: We're in love with each other. I think it comes out on the screen. It has to. We were giggling through every group scene, and wiping each other's tears away during the heavy scenes. Because we were playing baseball together for a few months before we started filming, we really became a team first. So often on the first day of filming something you are meeting castmates for the first time, maybe you've met them at a table read or in passing, but often you are strangers when you arrive on set. We had months of baseball practice, and batting cages and hanging out - and then when we all moved to Pittsburgh together to shoot the show, it was like we were at summer camp. Adult sleep away camp? College? We couldn't get enough of each other.
Bare: How do you disconnect from such an intense role and experience once it wraps?
DC: We got in the car and drove across the whole damn country. Jason, my husband, Penny, my dog, and I drove from Pittsburgh back to LA and it was the perfect way to unplug and sort of leave it all behind. The three of us love a road trip, we've driven across the country a few times and we love it. A couple times we rented an RV and we got really into it. We're RV people now. We call Penny our "adventure doggy", we go on hikes, we jump into rivers, we eat fast food. It rules.
Bare: Please share a few off the top of your head words on these topics.….
• Theatre - my first love. I miss it so much and really truly LONG to do a play again. I have dreams about doing plays all the time. I still get to perform on stage because i do comedy shows so often, but a PLAY is different... a play... a play is what I miss. Soon.
• Penny - penny girl. my doggy. I love her so much I could die. she's the best person I know.
• Los Angeles - I've lived in LA almost as long as i lived in NY which somehow makes no sense to me. When I first moved to LA I said this, and I still think it's true: it is better to live in Los Angeles, but New York is better.
• Cooking - Hello cooking. I discovered you early on in the pandemic and my goodness, you brought me such joy and comfort and a feeling of pride and accomplishment. I'm so sorry I've abandoned you. Maybe we will meet again some day. Love you doll.
• Vintage - I just got a pair of AMAZING bright blue shoes from my favorite vintage store in NY, Cure Thrift. I think they are haunted in the best way possible. I love them and I love the old man that owed them before me.
• Music - my religion.
Bare: We would love some tips/products that keep your skin in such luminous condition!
DC: Well, first of all thank you! i love to get facials from Sora Connor, she is amazing and knows skin so well. I love Rescue Serum from Joanna Vargas which is pricey but incredible... I actually think I'm addicted to it, like my skin needs it. Also, every single day I use ClearChoice Sport Sheild SPF 45, I'm telling you the whole thing because I recommend it so highly! to everyone! It's so light and moisturizing and it smells great. Get it.
Also, the usual shit: tons of water and sleep and shade.
Bare: Please list your top 5 bare essentials...they can be anything.
- a perfect, gorgeous, foamy cappuccino
- doing everything in my power to get 8 hours of sleep
- family time: big huge family time, just my immediate family time, nieces & nephews time, all the siblings time, just the sisters time, etc - must have any and all of it.
- seeing live music
- Jason & I laughing hard with our best friends
Photography/Interview/Makeup: Tina Turnbow using Ogee and Cle de Peau
Hair: Tommy Bucket
All clothing/jewel: Cure Thrift
Shot at: Cure Thrift NYC

Founder & Editor in Chief - The Bare Magazine