Emmanuelle Chriqui

Gorgeous, gifted and kind Emmanuelle Chriqui has played Lana Lang for the past 4 years on the CW hit Superman and Lois. It will come to an emotional close with the final episode Monday December 2nd. We are blessed to say Emmanuelle has been a longtime friend and supporter so when we heard she was making a quick trip to our home of NYC we hopped over to catch up. Scroll on down and check Emmanuelle in her chill personal style as the sun set on a glorious late fall day. She shares her thoughts on the end of a show she filmed through COVID and a SAG strike, the 20 year anniversary of Entourage (she played Sloan for 7 years), work she does contributing to social justice causes, skincare/fitness tips, daily meditation, and the one bare essential that she can’t be without.
The Bare Magazine: are there any teasers you can share about the Superman & Lous Finale?
Emmanuelle Chirique: The finale will be very satisfying to the fans of the show. It has so much heart and soul and definitely hits an emotional chord. The writers did a beautiful job of tying up the last 4 years of the show.
Bare: can you sum up some highlights and experiences of being a part of the show?
EC: One of the highlights of filming S&L other than the great storylines we got to sink our teeth into, was the strong bond of friendships that were created. We were shooting during intensely difficult times at the beginning of Covid and all thru. We couldn’t even cross the border for the first 10 months of production. Many of us were away from our friends and family for extended periods of time, and really only had each other to lean on.. I think when you walk thru fire with a group of people, you are bonded for life.
Bare: you have been apart of some great stories, including Entourage, which recently had its 20 year anniversary! What stands out in your memories most about it?
EC: Firstly I can’t believe it’s been 20 years!!!!!! Where does the time go? It literally feels like yesterday! I feel so incredibly grateful to have been a part of something so iconic. It was a love letter to LA, we had insane guest stars and our cast and crew was what dreams are made of. The show transcends time.. 20 years later and audiences are still obsessed. Whether they are discovering it for the first time, or rewatching for the 10th time, it resonates. That is so special.
Bare: when you're not in front of the camera... you are helping to support and fight for the environment, antisemitism , and the arts. Describe how these causes and spreading love is such a big part of you and why?
EC: I have always had a tendency to lean into social justice causes. I can’t really explain why except that it’s something that comes to me naturally and has brought enormous meaning to my life. I think with the not so new reality of social media we all have an opportunity to spread love and share what we deem important. Sadly in the age of rampant misinformation, propaganda and division amongst so many, it feels good to put out positive messaging knowing there can be a real ripple effect. In regards to standing against antisemitism I have the ability to stand in my Jewish heritage with pride which I know has brought some comfort to my community, especially this past year when many Jews here and in the diaspora have felt very alone and scared.
Bare: would you share how you maintain such an incredibly healthy/fit body and luminous skin?
EC: Awwww well, thank you for saying that! Honestly I work hard at being mindful of taking care of myself as much as possible. I swear by Pilates and walking. I don’t pound the pavement so to speak but am very regimented about Pilates 2-3 times a week, 1 day of light weights and walking, walking, walking and just turning on the music and dancing! That really feels like the best cardio of all and speaks to my soul.
I have always struggled my skin. I had acne as a teenager and into my 30’s and now struggle with very sensitive and rosacea prone skin. Less is definitely more for me. I wish I could slather creams and serums and amazing smelling oils, but my skin simply won’t have it. Lots of water, minimal refined sugar, and generally when I eat healthfully my skin is very happy. I stick to what my dermatologist gives me and that’s it!
Bare: we caught up with you in nyc when you were in town for the Jewish Media Awards. How was that evening.. and what do you love about the big apple?
EC: The Jewish Media Awards were amazing! A celebration of positive Jewish representation in the media made for a powerful night. And of course being in NYC?? It’s the best!! I hadn’t come back since before Covid and I just got into the NY state of mind immediately. I have missed it so much. Nothing like the energy of NYC anywhere in the world. Definitely put a pep in my step. Walked like crazy, ate amazing food,and saw dearest friends.. what more could a girl ask for?
Bare: you exude confidence, warmth and calm. to what factors might you attribute that inner peace - it enhances your natural external beauty even more.
EC: Wow, you are really too kind! Thank you! That is truly one of the best compliments you could pay me. I am a meditator. Every single morning. 20 minutes of transcendental meditation, followed by a 2 minute gratitude practice. I describe it as a gentle but very powerful practice.. it has helped me in the darkest of times and it consistently starts my day off right.. and honestly my father was one of the kindest and warmest people I have ever known. I’d like to think I inherited a little something from him:)
Bare: please share your top 5 bare essentials (they can be anyone or anything)
EC: Ohhh just 5? Ok my Burts Bees vanilla chapstick CANNOT be without it. A great book going at ALL times. My meditation practice. Taking in a Sunset at the beach whenever possible and having a great dinner with my nearest and dearest!
photos/makeup/editor in chief: tina turnbow
emmanuelle wears her own clothing
digital cover design: olivia himes
makeup: tina turnbow using Merit

Founder & Editor in Chief - The Bare Magazine