Danielle Zinaich

We spent a beautiful late summer day upstate with model/homeopath/reiki practitioner extraordinaire Danielle Zinaich. When she’s not on a modeling gig she works hard on her growing practice treating patients who have specific needs and conditions that require Danielle to pull from her great wealth of homeopathic knowledge with her calm, kind and compassionate nature. She heals the internal and spiritual struggles which enhance external beauty and glow. We picked her brain about the exact meaning of homeopathy/reiki and remedies for a few issues such as hives and menopause. Plus we have all of her self-care, fitness, diet and beauty bare essentials that keep her looking so stunning!
The Bare Magazine: could you give a brief breakdown of what homeopathy and reiki is all about for those who are unfamiliar?
Danielle Zinaich: Homeopathy was founded in the 1800s by a German physician Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. It’s a system of energy medicine based upon the idea of like cures like or that a disease can be healed by a diluted substance. which produces similar symptoms in healthy individuals. This individualized homeopathic remedy will stimulate the immune system and bodies innate ability to heal itself. Homeopathy can be used in conjunction with pharmaceutical medicines, and is very safe and effective. We often treat a lot of sensitive individuals, pregnant mom’s and babies and the elderly because it is such a gentle modality that helps to facilitate healing.
Reiki is a Japanese energy medicine used for reducing stress and relaxation and can help promote healing. It is also an old system of medicine founded in 1922 by Mikao Usui. This modality is channeled energy from source that flows through the practitioners hands and is given to the client to help all chakras align and ignite energy flow. Reiki is now being used in most hospitals as a therapeutic adjunct therapy to hospital care.
Homeopathy and Reiki both work on the vital life force or the universal life energy which can become stuck from illness, disease, or trauma and grief.
Bare: at what point in your modeling career did you shift focus? also describe how it felt in the beginning helping to heal someone and get them healthy?
DZ: I found Homeopathy through my first dog in 1992 and have been using it ever since and my Homeopath encouraged me to go to university. I have been in private Homeopathy practice for 10 years and recently added on my honors degree and third Reiki attunement. There is such an incredible feeling when you see a client become well. I love to serve my patients, and it is in my best interest to have a wellness practice! It’s truly an honor to hold a space and walk with them along their healing journey. That being said, a healthy immune system that is in working order will still get viruses a couple of times a year, and in which case I offer my acute texting services. Constitutional or overall treatment sessions are what helped to keep the vital force strong.
Bare: your practice has been based in upstate ny. it is so magical up there. do you feel the location contributes to wellness in some ways? what are some common ailments or health issues up there - ticks and allergies?
DZ: I have noticed that people up here definitely like to be outdoors and go hiking so I definitely see a lot of Lyme disease cases in this area. It is some thing that I have suffered with myself and it was cleared with Homeopathy after conventional medicine failed me.
I treat people from all over the world through telemedicine, and my practice is a broad range of elements anything from colds, allergies and eczema to more chronic conditions, such as cancer, Alzheimers, Parkinson’s and end of life care.
Lip: Ogee in Santana Sunglasses: Dior
Bare: what would you prescribe for these wellness challenges: Menopause and Hives?
DZ: Menopause:
Some of my favorite homeopathic remedies that may be useful during Menopause. There are many other choices these are just a few commonly used ones that I would like to share.
The remedy picture should match the overall symptoms that the patient may be experiencing.
Sepia is mainly a female hormonal remedy. This remedy picture is exhausted worn out, the patient may have excessive sweating, feel weepy, feels better for air, can feel in a weakened state, feels prolapse in uterus and bladder or a pulled down sunken feeling of sorts, they may feel indifferent to loved ones. They may Want to leave the home. Hormonal depression around menses or menopause and can be absent minded and forgetful .
Sepia is made from the ink of the cuttlefish.
The general theme of Pulsatilla is changeable and overly sensitive. The women are usually gentle and mild and can be very emotional and weepy which can then change to laughter hence the changeability. They feel better for fresh air and can become irritated.
During menopause, the periods can be painful,very heavy or spotty . Insomnia may come into play along with hot flashes and anxiety. The person needing this remedy me dislike the wind. This remedy is sourced from the beautiful purplish/blue wind flower.
These are just 3 of my favorite remedies to use for hives. We have many others and the remedy should fit the overall picture of the person with hives.
The person needed this remedy may have hives that look red, swollen, and feel hot and itchy with stinging and burning sensations.
This remedy is sourced from the venom or a honeybee. The person with these hives may act, angry and agitated.
Histaminum Hydrochloricum
This homeopathic remedy, calms the histamine response. The person needing this remedy may have hay fever and allergy symptoms as well. The hives itch and there may be other allergic reaction symptoms.This remedy is sourced from histamine! If these symptoms become too severe, please seek emergency healthcare right away.
Urtica Urens
This homeopathic remedy is prepared from stinging nettle. These hives may be red, itchy and burn. Urtica hives could also be reoccurring every year with seasonal allergies. These hives could look rash like.
If you have reoccurring hives, you should seek a homeopath for constitutional treatment to boost your immune system so that the hives do not appear! Also finding the root cause and triggers of your hives is an important step to your recovery.
Lachesis types etiology never has felt well since the beginnings of menopause. They may have profuse bleeding, anxiety, constrictive, or squeezing sensations-they do not like tight clothing, sadness, weak, faint, they feel better once the blood flow starts, hot flashes with sweating and palpitations, hormonal headaches, hemorrhoids with bleeding.
Some symptoms may be indicated on the left side of the body could be ovarian pain or cysts, could be headaches, etc. Lachesis types have a hypersensitivity like a snake.
This remedy is made from the venom of the bushmaster Lachesis Muta snake.
You should see a midwife or OB/GYN for your annual check ups and to do any hormonal testing.
Bare: what top supplements and main diet/fitness components help keep you in great shape and metabolism going strong?
DZ: I personally use a very good multivitamin, vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, NAC and magnesium daily. I will rotate in other supplements as needed, such as quercetin, curcumin, turmeric. Electrolytes and hydration supplements, and I also use a supplement for hyper pigmentation on my skin. I use TRS detox spray - here’s my personal purchase link
I love running with my border collie dog Sadie Vinyasa yoga and my infrared sauna. I keep my metabolism, running strong with my vegetarian diet lots of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, organic soy and healthy fats. I also try to drink lots of water this is definitely a challenge for me! Sometimes I will add electrolytes especially on the days that I run and do a sauna.
Bare: after a day of patients how do you wind down and pamper yourself when you need to recharge?
DZ: The first thing I do is sage myself and either do a salt scrub or a salt bath. This helps me to cleanse any energies that I may have picked up during a session. I have a very good energy hygiene and I’m constantly detoxing and cleansing and clearing so that I can be a pure vessel. In between clients I may use a clear quartz crystal wand to clear myself. I also wear a special belt around my skin that my Shaman made me it helps to protect my energy center.
Bare: would you say you met some of your closest friends because of modeling and how does that network of ladies enhance your life?
DZ: Models from the 90s really have a huge sense of camaraderie and support. I have maintained many of my model friendships after all of these years! There’s very little competition amongst our group. We all refer each other for projects and share a beauty secrets and tips with one another. I do treat many models and people in the fashion industry homeopathically and this group is definitely very open to alternative modalities to help with their busy lifestyle, and to help them stay fit strong and glowing!
Bare: please list your top beauty bare essentials in these categories: skincare, makeup, fragrance, haircare, body care.
Alba enzyme face wash
Tracie Martyn enzyme exfoliant Mask
Ogee vit c serum and hyaluronic acid i alternate these
Weleda Skin food light
Alba 50 sunscreen
Goop glow glycolic acid pads a few times a month
I don’t wear much make up, but I love bareMinerals eyebrow pencil
Ogee lip oils and sculpted face sticks
Jane Iredale hyaluronic lip gloss
Well People Expressionist Brow Gel in Dark Brown
Merit The Minimalist in Linen I love as a concealer
I only use organic essential oils, and I am very sensitive to perfumes my clients are often sensitive as well so I usually don’t wear anything around them and I ask them before applying essential oils during Reiki. Perfumes in general can be very toxic and scented candles can also be very toxic.
I take Hylands bioplasma which is a homeopathic general elixir and can help keep your hair skin and nails healthy and strong. I like to try different natural brands of hair care. I was just gifted amazing products from R&co Bleu which is Garren’s line. I love to put coconut oil and NOW Argon oil in my hair to give it moisture.
Infrared, sauna sweat out toxins
dry brushing stimulate lymphatic system promote circulation
Organic Pharmacy Jasmine rose Oil
Boiron Arnica crème sore muscles
Eco tools hand scrubbers to stimulate and exfoliate
Photos/Interview: Tina Turnbow
Makeup: Tina Turnbow using Ogee
Danielle wears her own clothing
Shot in Mount Kisco, NY
Contact Danielle at remedyyourhealth@gmail.com

Founder & Editor in Chief - The Bare Magazine