Emily Wickersham

We are thrilled to have one of our longtime favorite ladies Emily Wickersham grace our digital cover and pages. You may have caught her brilliant talents shine on NCIS. She’s currently starring in her most important role as a new momma to baby Cassius. As she says below in our chat “He’s the best most life changing thing that ever happened to me.” Emily shares the highs/lows of new motherhood, challenges and joys. She recently felt it was time to darken her locks and frame her beautiful eyes with a bang. She was keen on exploring her love of menswear for our shoot. So scroll on down and find out more about her current favorite places, her rad boyfriend and bare essentials. Thank you Emily for your continual cool vibes, endless inspiration, incredible heart
The Bare Magazine: Can you fill us in on everything being a new momma to Cassius - your first little one!
Emily Wickersham: Oh man, he’s the best most life changing thing that’s ever happen to me. I didn’t know my heart had this kind of deep love. I just didn’t know this kind of love existed. Blah blah!… I know everyone says that but it’s quite true, It’s completely pure and honest and raw. I really feel like a momma bear… I’d do anything to protect this little man. It’s also very tiring.
Bare: Describe some of the highs and lows of motherhood. Does it help having great family and boyfriend support?
EW: It’s a lot of highs. And definitely some lows mixed in. It’s like you’re running on fumes because you’re so tired but your adrenaline is so high because you can’t believe you brought this person into the world and now they’re here and you have to keep them alive. I get the Mom brain thing now. It’s like your mind just doesn’t shut off ever. And yes, I have the best boyfriend. Badge, is such an amazing Father and partner. He’s the calm in the storms. We both have family close by so that’s been really wonderful too. Takes a village I’ve learned is a saying for a reason.
Bare: You're in such great shape! Is working out become a great effective escape for you? Do you try to make time for self care?
EW: Thank you. It’s a really crazy amazing thing the way your body totally morphs during pregnancy into this whole other thing. It’s incredible. And your body is different after and you feel kind of more powerful than before. I’ve found that i feel more capable physically than i did before pregnancy. Being pregnant is hard. Some people talk about it being amazing how they felt almost euphoric the whole time…I didn’t. But I did feel powerful. And after I was so happy to have Cassius in the world and feel more myself again that all i wanted to do was feel as good as i could. And yes carving out time for myself I’ve realized is very healthy and needed. Keeps me sane and a better Mom and partner.
Bare: When you were pregnant did you stick to all clean products? Are you still using some of your favorites and what are they?
EW: I for sure did. I kept it super simple… i think i mostly used Luzern face lotion and face oil. I’ve kinda branched out since but i like simple. Though for some reason i have a lot of products but i really keep my routine very easy.
Bare: You've also recently gotten bangs and gone to the dark side with your hair color. Time for a change? Are you enjoying it?
EW: Sure did! Hahaha. Definitely needed a little bit of a change. I had kinda gone super natural with my hair and didn’t really color it during pregnancy. Then my hair fell out and i had these little tiny baby bangs that looked kinda funny so i just decided to cut bangs. And then i felt like i didn’t want to go blonde again sooooo i decided to try going a little darker. So far i like it. Who knows, I’ll probably end up blonde someday soon. Or not!?
Bare: Currently my favorite _______ is _______.
Date night:
Seeing a play at the Cherry Lane Theater and a dinner at Via Carota around the corner
Item of clothing:
Green Mohair Button down Bode sweater
Film/TV show:
Bad Sisters
HU chocolate and frozen pineapple
A life’s Work by Rachel Cusk
Bare: What would your next dream job or project be?
EW: I’d really love to work on something with comedy in it. Something spicy and fun. Or maybe a period piece. Honestly, i don’t have a specific job in mind. Thoughtful stories. Just good material about people. People interacting with other people.
Bare: Please list your top 5 bare essentials - they can be anything...
My Son, my boyfriend, my family and dogs
Ice face mask
Glass of wine
Pair of old Levi’s
Photos/interview: Tina Turnbow
Makeup: Tina Turnbow using Cle de Peau
Styling: Christopher Laboy
Shot at the Williamsburg Hotel

Founder & Editor in Chief - The Bare Magazine