Leslie Bibb

Leslie Bibb is gorgeous and then some. She gets you with her beauty, of course, but it’s her warm spirit, intellect, and wit that pull you in even closer. You can see her smolder playing Satan in the new comedy “God’s Favorite Idiot,” currently streaming on Netflix. Next up, she’s off to film an Apple TV+ comedy called “Mrs American Pie.” The series is executive-produced by Laura Dern and Leslie stars opposite Kristen Wiig. (We can’t wait to watch!) To get our Leslie fix, we invited her to our Brooklyn studio to create the photos you see below—and to chat about career highlights, her chic short haircut, playing Satan, and her Bare essentials. She showed up with a few treasures from her own wardrobe, including a suit and a few shirts snagged from her longtime partner, Sam Rockwell. A devilishly good time was had by all.
The Bare Magazine: Top 3 reasons to tune into "God’s Favorite Idiot."
Leslie Bibb: 1, 2 and 3…it’s funny. I feel like we need to laugh more than ever these days!
Bare: Please share a few highlights of working with the cast and crew.
LB: We shot in Australia in a town called Byron Bay, which was like Shangri-La. It’s heavenly and dreamy, so it was an oasis coming from the U.S. during a crazy year of Covid to a place where Covid really hadn’t hit yet. The crew was pretty spectacular there, especially the Stunt Department. They really let me have at it and do a lot of my stunts, which was pretty cool. I said to Ben and Melissa, “I did a show where I played a superhero and somehow I am flying more on our show than on that!” It”s so fun to fly and be hoisted 25 feet in the air. It’s so fun to be flung around on cables and learn how to flip in the air while in the middle of a sword fight scene…oh yeah, I learned how to sword fight. So FUN! Also, I got to go swim with humpback whales in the middle of the ocean as they migrated up to have their babies. The Stunt folks were going and they invited me and it was…there are kind of no words to describe a humpback whale swimming underneath you out in the middle of the ocean.
Bare: Can you give us a breakdown some of the pivotal points of your career journey, starting with your modeling days?
LB: I mean, the most pivotal would be winning this modeling contest that Oprah Winfrey sponsored with Elite and that she televised on her show. It was the 90’s and no one was bigger than Oprah. She had John Casablancas, Iman, Naomi Campbell, and Linda Evangelista as judges—it was insane. I “won” (whatever that means), and it changed the whole trajectory of my life. I would have never come to New York City without that happening and if I hadn’t come to New York City, then I would have never found acting and/or studied at William Esper with Maggie Flanigan. I think another pivotal moment would be getting “Popular.” It was this successful and meaningful show that was on the WB. It was kind of groundbreaking at the time. It was my first BIG job, and it taught me so much. I, also, met Carly Pope, who played my sister on it and she has remained one of my closest friends still to this day. Another pivotal point would have to be getting cast as Carly Bobby in “Talladega Nights.” I think it opened the door to comedy for me. It’s easy to get put into categories in this business and I feel like getting cast in that part, in that movie, changed the way some folks regarded me. I feel like it definitely opened new doors for me. And, to get to work with Will Ferrell and Adam McKay and all of the incredible actors they assembled for that movie was…I don’t even know how to describe it. It was like a comedy AP class. I learned so much. I think another pivotal point for me was doing theater. It was something that terrified me, but if something scares you that much I think you have to face it. Doing theater in New York just makes you a better actor I think. You just learn so much, so fast and it’s like this incredible muscle you’re having to tone every day, sometimes twice a day, eight shows a week, and there is no second take. It’s so good to do, theater, and I highly recommend it. It’s terrifying and exhausting, but thrilling.
Bare: You and Sam Rockwell have been together for quite some time...in what ways does he continue to inspire you?
LB: I mean, it’s Sammy…he’s pretty fucking inspiring. He is one of the greatest humans out there. He is so talented, so kind, so sexy, so funny….he’s THE MOST. I am so lucky to call him my beloved.
Bare: For our shoot you included a few of Sam's wardrobe pieces...did you enjoy slipping into his suit?
LB: I like a men’s suit and the fact that it was Sammy’s makes it all the better. I have hijacked a few of his articles of clothing. I like the structure of a suit, of a men’s overcoat…I think I like that it’s not so fitted. It feels good to feel sexy and powerful without being poured into the clothes.
Bare: Tell us about sitting in Chris McMillan's chair for your recent hair cut...what went down there?
LB: Chris had given me this very specific haircut for “God’s Favorite Idiot.” It was severe bangs and a very precise shoulder-length bob. It was perfect for Satan. I loved it and it’s what I wanted for her. Then, I came home and, as you know, bangs take a hot second to grow out, but I jumped into a few other jobs right after, so we had to keep the bangs, but not as severe, but still bangs for all of 2021. It was a year of this haircut or a version of this haircut and when I finally sat in his chair in February 2022 I said, “You can do anything. I don’t have a job to go to, so have at it.” He looked at me and said, “Anything?” I said, “ANYTHING!” So, he gave me ANYTHING and I love it. I don’t think I knew how much I needed a change…to cut off the past couple of years in a way. It was nice. Also, it’s Chris…if anyone is gonna cut all your hair, you’re peaches and cream with Chris!
Bare: What and where are your favorite ways/places to recharge and unwind?
LB: I need to be better at this. I feel like when I am not working I need to lean into the time off and enjoy myself, but I feel like I start fretting over where my next job is coming or will it be a good job or blah blah blah. Usually a bunch of crap I have no control over and it’s a waste of brain space and time. I don’t know, Tina, I think I need to work on this about myself. To truly unwind is not the easiest for me. I feel like the past couple of years have kind of ruined my “recharge mojo” or I have forgotten how to “recharge.”
Bare: And last, please list your top 5 Bare essentials—they can be anything.
#1- Saint Jane Serum or Vintner’s Daughter Serum—they are oils I use for my face and I love them. I don’t think my skin could survive without them. And, I am not being dramatic.
#2- My facialist in Los Angeles, Faith Tatro at Touch of Faith Esthetics. She is a damn wizard and she is literally my lifeline to good skin and making me feel great, especially as Father Time is marching on. She’s the BEST!
#3- Our dog, Gus. We got him in February of 2020 to annoy our beloved Sadie into living longer. It worked. We got another 6 months out of her. He had big paws to fill with her, but he is just a delight! Sam and I love him so much. He is so different than Sadie, but he is equally wonderful just way goofier, but so sweet.
#4- My friends. I think this pandemic has really proven to me how important my chosen family is to me. I am so grateful for this band of brothers and sisters I/we have acquired over the years. I feel very lucky for our friends. They are some of the greatest, most inspiring humans and I am so blessed (as corny as that sounds).
#5- Cooking/going to Eataly (in NYC). Cooking is something I love to do, especially for Sam. He is so easy to cook for and he is always like, “Baby, this is delicious!” It’s fun to cook for someone who is exuberant. And, when I sauntered into Eataly one afternoon, my mind was blown. They have all this delicious produce and the fish monger is incredible and the butcher is so fantastic and they have every damn thing you could ever want or need to cook with—ah, it’s heaven! It’s so fun to roam around that store, get inspired, and then walk home with your bag filled with great stuff and make dinner for Sam and our friends. I really enjoy feeding people I love. It brings me such joy!
Leslie wears her own clothes, vintage and Sam Rockwell’s too.
Photos and Makeup: Tina Turnbow using Ogee
Hair: Ben Skervin using Color Wow
Editor: Didi Gluck
Shot at Dellaroccos Brooklyn

Founder & Editor in Chief - The Bare Magazine