Hannah New

Hannah New is a brilliant beautiful addition to the cast of “Bridgerton” season 3 part 2 playing Lady Tilley Arnold. We found Hannah in real life to be just as special, strong and compelling as her character. We met at our favorite vintage spot in NYC Cure Thrift. Hannah chose some colorful 70s vintage designer pieces we captured below on film/polaroid. Scroll down and find out about her transformation into Lady Tilley aka “Bridgerton Bardot,” being a mom, farm life, workout routine, best vegan lashes, natural skincare, her sisters jewelry and her current bare essentials.

The Bare Magazine: Can you list a few highlights of filming season 3 that you really enjoyed?

Hannah New: When I was told that I would be learning a tango inspired regency dance I was over the moon. Working with our choreographer, Jack Murphy, was so much fun. It was way more than simply learning a dance and more like a deep delve into who Lady Tilley is and what these two characters mean to each other in this moment. I love to dance, but I’m not the best at being led so it was immensely satisfying to switch the leading partner in the middle of the dance! Two weeks of rehearsals with Luke was the most wonderful introduction to working together. He was so open and welcoming, funny and charming and it was clear that we were going to have the best time building Tilley and Benedict’s relationship.

Bare: What do you love about your character Lady Tilly Arnold ? 

HN: I love her rebellious spirit. I have been lucky enough to play some strong women in my career, but Tilley encompasses a spirit of playfulness, intrigue and dry wit that I hadn’t explored before. She is forth write, sex-positive and has an authentic approach to life. She gets what she needs from society, but doesn’t bend to its rules. She is also ready to admit to herself when she isn’t being true to her inner voice or when there are expectations of her that she can’t meet. She has an ability to lay boundaries that I find inspirational!

Bare: will you share some of the makeup / hair / styling process that brings your character to life?

HN: The transformation from my pillow wrinkled sleepy state when I arrive in the chair at some ungodly hour, to the final bombshell femme fatal that leaves the make-up trailer is nothing short of a miracle! In total the transformation takes approximately 2 hours. Hannah Forbes, my insanely talented hair and wig stylist, would start by wrapping my head (which initially makes you look like a sad turtle!) ready for Tilley signature sexy bouffant to be popped on top. The first time I saw myself in the mirror I felt like a 60s bombshell and this led to the nickname “Bridgerton Bardot”. Hannah’s beautiful styling always made me feel like a classic movie star, and Erika Orkvist’s vision of creating a Grace Kelly like air to Tilley definitely gave an inner light to the character. Lidija Skorucak, my make up artist, would then prep my skin to glow, create those sexy cat eye lashes and make the whole look come together. I always felt like Grace swanning about in Monaco when leaving the make-up truck… even if it was only 7am on a dreary, freezing British winter’s morning!

Bare: in your real life what is your usual skincare and makeup routine?

HN: I have a young child and I live on a farm, so I don’t really wear make-up in my everyday life…that makes going into work where I get to transform even more special. Today I’m waiting for one of our cows to calf so it is literally a cleanse and slap a bit of sunscreen on kind of day! Having said that, I am big into natural skin care and love a bit of beauty tech too. Discovering Testament beauty on the Bare Mag shoot really fits with my natural skin care philosophy. During filming I was lucky enough to use a beautiful organic brand from a small UK producer called Floragy. Their oil to cream cleanser is an absolute game changer. I have always found make-up removers to be drying and quite harsh on my skin but Floragy have found the perfect balance of not stripping the skin but also not leaving it feeling heavy or oily. My go to chill out moment in the evening is using Current Body’s LED mask and invariably falling asleep with it on!

Bare: Tell us about your gorgeous vegan lashes that pop your stunning eyes?

HN: I don’t wear lash extensions all the time but for a special event I love the natural and super comfortable lashes created by the technicians from Spark Lash Academy. All the products are vegan and incredibly gentle. The lashes are so comfortable to wear and it is such a nice feeling being out and about and not worrying about mascara running or a stray lash wondering down your cheek!

Bare: You're so fit and we were admiring your amazing muscle tone! please share a bit on your workout routine?

I rock climb and surf, so keeping in shape so I can do those sports without injuring myself is a top priority! Farming is also pretty physically demanding at times, so it is great to be functionally fit ready to shovel and lift when needed. I discovered the the training platform TheWKout through my super strong friend Ruth. We would follow the ‘Real Time Training’ program together after I had my kid. We would sweat, grunt and curse together and then shovel guilt free croissants and coffee into our faces! Lisa Zbozen, who runs the platform and designs the training programs keeps the workouts fresh and functional. She is no-nonsense and funny with it, so every workout flys by! The platform has programs for every level and very affordable so I would definitely recommend checking it out.

Bare: you had some beautiful jewels with you for our shoot...can you share more info about the pieces?

HN: I’m very lucky to have a sister who is a jewelry designer. Katie has always made jewelry, even when she was making it out of play dough and modeling clay! This has now blossomed into her business and jewelry brand KTNew . Over the years she has gifted me the most amazing collection of pieces. She is inspired by botanical forms and her studio is a stunning orangery attached to her house. Wearing my sister’s creations connects me to her and also to the natural world. There is something about wearing a piece that takes patterns from nature, is inspired by the drama and spectacle of spring or that reflects the beauty of stones and geological forms that is humbling.To pay homage to the natural world that sustains and inspires creativity through the piece of jewelry I am wearing aligns with my reverence and love for the natural world. My sister also inspires others to create from this starting point and runs courses for others to discover the joy of jewelry making.

Bare: After the NYC premiere whirlwind trip... what do you love most about living your remote farm life and motherhood?
HN: It is always amazing to come back to the farm after only a few days away and see how much the veggies have grown or how the hedgerows are blossoming. The bird life is incredible at the moment and being able to go from the bustle, noise and vibrancy of NYC to a different but equally vibrant buzz of bees and birds is particularly special. 

Bare: Please list 5 top bare essentials


  1. Sunscreen – even though I live in a place where it invariably rains most of the year, I now realise that protecting your face is essential no matter what the weather.

  2. Sketchbook and pencil – I need to make lists to keep myself on track and get everything done each day, but it is also lovely to dedicate the odd page to a moment of inspiration, be it a doodle or a phrase that comes to mind, and take that opportunity to slow down.

  3. My watch – my fitbit is an absolute essential for me to stay on track and keep to time. If I have to look at my phone to tell the time I get side-tracked and that will definitely make me late! I’m also very competitive with myself and love seeing how many steps I have done around the farm or how many calories I have sweated out. It’s a bit geeky but it keeps me motivated.

  4. Dobble or some kind of game I can play with my kid – if we are out and about and we have to wait for something (food to arrive, Drs appointments, our turn at the checkout, etc) having something in my handbag which we can play together, fills those moments with connection and avoids melt-downs.

  5. Water bottle that I can clip to myself or my bag – I have to have the bottle on me the whole time otherwise I forget to drink water and but the end of the day I’m like an arid desert!

Photos/Makeup: Tina Turnbow using Testament Beauty & Chanel

Hair: David Von Cannon

Vintage Clothing from Cure Thrift

Shot at Cure Thrift NYC

Founder & Editor in Chief - The Bare Magazine