Constance Zimmer

We recently had the pleasure of catching up with the incredibly gifted beauty Constance Zimmer. She not only possesses great talent, wit and wisdom but awesome style to boot. You can soon see her playing the fierce CIA counterespionage unit boss, Robin Larkin, in the hit thriller “Condor.” Season 2 premieres in the US November 7th on Epix. She also will return as Kathleen Gale for season 4 of “Good Trouble” in which she will act and direct.
For our shoot Constance brought pieces from her own wardrobe. After hopping in the tub wearing a vintage slip and being her hilarious self, we decided to venture out. Constance wore her own brilliant blue vintage corduroy blazer which complimented the warmth of the sunset as she strolled along the peaceful Brooklyn streets.
The Bare Magazine: What were some highlights of your recent trip to NYC?
Constance Zimmer: Some highlights from my recent trip to NY had to do with me not having been by myself in the city for a chunk of time since the first season of House of Cards in 2013. We were shooting in Baltimore and I would come to the city in between my work days, because it was too short of a time to fly back to LA. So this trip, being on my own (without my kid and my husband) for 3 weeks, was super surreal. From the simplest things like sleeping in to wandering the city aimlessly with no real plan, letting the day take me blindly across town, is my favorite thing about New York. Grabbing a coffee and a bagel and sitting on the Highline or in the park just people watching, is so invigorating. I also got to see a few friends I hadn’t seen in a long while, which gave the trip a sense of coming back to my old stomping grounds.
Bare: Can you share top reasons why you loved being a part of Condor?
CZ: Being a part of Condor started with having been a fan of the movie "Three Days of the Condor," was the first reason I watched the show and then stayed for how good it was. It’s such a great spy thriller and getting the opportunity to play the Head of the Counter Espionage Unit for the FBI inside the CIA, i mean come on, I couldn’t turn that part down based on title alone. I was also excited to get to work opposite Bob Balaban, who I have been a fan of since “Close Encounters.” Truthfully there were many reasons to be a part of this show, but Robin Larkin being a badass character made it also a very easy decision to make.
Bare: You've had roles in many types of TV shows. What's your favorite comedy, suspense, drama and why?
CZ: My absolute favorite role is in comedy, it’s what I love doing the most! When I started my career I was mostly in sitcoms and I clearly remember many people telling me that no one was going to take me serious in dramas because my resume was so comedy forward. Cut to, I can’t get back on a comedy to save my life! I’m a hug fan of dark comedies as well, because that allows me to insert the comedy into more realistic storylines instead of sitcoms where the laughs are inserted. Don't get me wrong, I love the characters I’ve gotten to portray in dramas, but at my core I would love nothing more than to be back on a sitcom!
Bare: What are some tips you could share with up and coming actors?
CZ: Some tips for actors starting out, would have to include, embrace who you are and don’t try to fit into a mold that you THINK the business wants you to be in. We are ultimately all unique people with unique looks and character traits and it is who you genuinely are, that is going to make you stick out in the crowd. I tried to blend in for so long, because I didn’t think that I was enough and once I realized I was, I started working more.
Bare: You have incredible style. Can you describe it? Where do you get inspiration for it? Any favorite spots to shop?
CZ: Ha, that’s kind of you to say…I feel I’m a bit all over the place sometimes with my style. I love spending hours in thrift stores and going to flea markets, trying to find that one perfect piece that will work with everything. I tend to lean more towards color because I spent a lot of my teen years in black. Bottom line with my fashion today is, I like to be comfortable and have statement pieces, mixing vintage with new fashion. New York is filled with so much fashion inspiration in the shops and on the people walking around the city, I tend to up my game when I’m in New York just to keep up.
Bare: Is there a story behind all your amazing jewelry?
CZ: Every piece, especially the rings, have a meaning or a memory from a time in my life that I want to be reminded of everyday. My necklaces have become a bit of an obsession with iconic spirits like Joan of Arc, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Buddha (just to name a few) hanging around with me.
Bare: What are your bare essentials...they can include anything.
CZ: Bare essentials can include anything from a great pair of loose fitting jeans, jumpsuits or vintage army pants, fun sneakers, good belt, and a cozy sweatshirt with of course the optional Army shirt jacket to add on. I want to be comfortable in life, so much of life is uncomfortable. I love a good tinted moisturizer, some tinted lip balm and I have to curl my eyelashes ( because they stick straight out otherwise) and a swipe of some waterproof mascara across them to keep them curled (that’s a trick I learned late in life that the chemicals in waterproof mascara keep your lashes curled longer). Lots of serums, lotions, face sprays and water!!
Constance wears her own vintage clothing.
Photos and Makeup: Tina Turnbow using Ogee
Shot in Brooklyn NY

Founder & Editor in Chief - The Bare Magazine